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Intelligent Game AI with Decision Trees

1. Introduction

In game development, Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a crucial role. This tutorial will introduce how to use the C4.5 decision tree algorithm provided by the Dora SSR engine to create intelligent game AI. We will learn this process step by step through a simple example.

1.1 What is a Decision Tree?

A decision tree is a structure similar to a flowchart that assists in decision-making. Imagine we are playing a game of "guess the animal":

This is a simple example of a decision tree. In game AI, we can use a similar structure to make intelligent decisions.

2. Preparation

First, we need to prepare training data. Suppose we are developing a simple fighting game AI that needs to decide when to attack, defend, or flee.

2.1 Preparing Training Data (CSV Format)

The format of the training data is described as follows:

  • First line: Contains the names of all features, such as "Distance," "Enemy Health," etc.
  • Second line: Defines the data types of each feature, where:
    • C represents Categorical data, like "Near," "Far," etc., which are discrete values.
    • N represents Numerical data, like specific health values.
  • From the third line onwards: Actual training data, with each line representing a training sample.
  • Last column: The decision result, which is the action the AI should take. This is the target value the decision tree will learn to predict, which can be a classification or numerical value.
Distance,Enemy Health,My Health,Action

3. Basic Code Implementation

Let's train and generate a decision tree with this training data to implement a simple combat AI:

local thread <const> = require("thread")
local ML <const> = require("ML")

-- Prepare training data
local trainingData = [[
Distance,Enemy Health,My Health,Action

-- Build decision tree
function buildDecisionTreeAsync()
local trainingResult = {}

-- Set maximum depth to 3
local accuracy, err = ML.BuildDecisionTreeAsync(trainingData, 3, function(depth, name, op, value)
-- Add indentation based on depth
local line = string.rep("\t", depth + 1)

-- Handle leaf nodes (result nodes)
if op == "return" then
line = line .. 'return "' .. value .. '"'
-- Construct conditional statements
local valueStr = (op == '==' and '"' .. value .. '"' or value)
line = line .. "if " .. name .. " " .. op .. " " .. valueStr
table.insert(trainingResult, line)

if err then
print("Error building decision tree:", err)

print("Decision tree accuracy:", accuracy)
print("Decision tree structure:\n" .. table.concat(trainingResult, "\n"))

return trainingResult

-- Test asynchronous decision tree construction with the following code

3.1 Visualizing the Generated Decision Tree

The structure of the generated decision tree is as follows:

4. Using in the Game

Below is a simple follow-up example demonstrating how to apply this AI decision tree in a game character:

local yue <const> = require("yue")
local Vec2 <const> = require("Vec2")

-- Build decision tree
local trainingResult = buildDecisionTreeAsync()

-- Load decision tree as a YueScript function
local decisionFunction = yue.loadstring(
"(data)->\n" ..
"\t:Distance, :Enemy Health, :My Health = data\n" ..
table.concat(trainingResult, "\n")

-- Define Character class
local Character = {}
function Character:new()
local char = {
position =,
health = 100,
maxHealth = 100
setmetatable(char, {__index = Character})
return char

-- Return state based on health percentage
function Character:getHealthState()
local healthPercent = / self.maxHealth
if healthPercent > 0.7 then return "High"
elseif healthPercent > 0.3 then return "Medium"
else return "Low" end

-- Return state based on actual distance
function Character:calculateDistance(enemy)
local distance = self.position:distance(enemy.position)
if distance < 50 then return "Near"
elseif distance < 150 then return "Medium"
else return "Far" end

-- Decide action
function Character:decideAction(enemy)
return decisionFunction{
["Distance"] = self:calculateDistance(enemy),
["Enemy Health"] = enemy:getHealthState(),
["My Health"] = self:getHealthState()

-- Update character state and take action
function Character:update(enemy)
local action = self:decideAction(enemy)
-- Perform the corresponding action
print("Executing action: " .. action)

-- Create character instance
local character = Character:new()
local enemy = Character:new()

-- Set enemy position
enemy.position = Vec2(100, 100)
-- Current character should perform "Attack"

-- Update character health = 10
-- Current character should perform "Defend"

5. Practical Application Notes

5.1 Advantages of Decision Trees

Decision trees, as a machine learning algorithm, have the following advantages in game AI development:

  • Easy to understand and implement: The structure of decision trees is intuitive and resembles human decision-making processes, making it easier for developers to comprehend and implement complex decision logic.
  • Transparent decision process: Each decision step is clearly visible, facilitating debugging and optimization of AI behavior.
  • High flexibility: The structure and parameters of the decision tree can be adjusted as needed to align AI behavior with design goals.
  • Efficiency: Decision trees require only simple conditional checks at runtime, leading to low computational overhead, which is suitable for real-time gaming scenarios.

5.2 Considerations for Use

When using decision trees to build game AI, the following points should be noted:

  • Representativeness of training data: Ensure that the training data covers various possible game scenarios, allowing AI to handle different states. It is recommended to use real player data as training samples.
  • Avoid overfitting: The depth of the decision tree should not be too large. A tree that is too deep may overfit the training data, reducing its ability to generalize to new data. Start with a smaller depth and adjust gradually based on performance.
  • Continuous optimization: Continuously collect new data during gameplay and periodically retrain the model, enabling AI to adapt to changing player strategies.

6. Advanced Optimization Suggestions

  • Add more features: For example:

    • Skill cooldown times
    • Number of available items
    • Surrounding terrain information
  • Dynamically adjust AI behavior:

    During the game, you can dynamically update the training data based on player behavior data, retraining the decision tree to make the AI more aligned with the player's style.

    function Character:updateAI(enemy, battleAction)
    -- Record new battle data
    local newTrainingData = string.format("%s,%s,%s,%s\n",
    trainingData = trainingData .. newTrainingData
    -- Periodically retrain the AI
    -- ... other handling logic

7. Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: What should be the depth of the decision tree?

    A: It is recommended to set the initial depth to 3 or 4. A tree that is too deep may lead to overfitting, while a tree that is too shallow may not capture complex decision logic.

  • Q: How can I improve the AI's performance?

    A: You can improve it by:

    • Increasing the quantity and diversity of training data
    • Adjusting the depth and parameters of the decision tree
    • Adding more meaningful features (such as environmental factors, enemy types, etc.)
  • Q: How much training data is enough?

    A: You can start with 50-100 data points and gradually increase the volume based on the complexity of the game and the results of testing to enhance the AI's accuracy.

8. Conclusion

Through this tutorial, we have learned:

  • Basic concepts of decision trees: Understanding how decision trees assist in decision-making and their applications in game AI.
  • How to prepare training data: Mastering the construction of effective training datasets as a foundation for model training.
  • Building decision trees using the ML module in Dora SSR: Learning how to utilize the tools provided by the engine to quickly construct decision tree models.
  • Applying decision trees in games: Understanding how to integrate the trained model into game logic for intelligent decision-making.
  • Methods for optimizing and improving AI systems: Recognizing the importance of continuous optimization and how to enhance AI performance through model and data adjustments.

Remember, a great game AI should not only have complex algorithms but also enhance the player's gaming experience. By continuously adjusting and optimizing, you can create an AI that is both fun and challenging.